Cloud Computing

Tap into the power and efficiency of the cloud with the help of Computer Technology. Our team can create a customized cloud infrastructure that brings the highly flexible cloud technology infrastructure and specialized technical support to optimize your organization.

The Power Of The Cloud Awaits

Cloud computing is the solution many businesses are enlisting to support their technology needs on a tight budget. With a cost-effective price tag and low initial capital investment, Computer Technology can help you be freed up to focus on other aspects of your business operations. Features of our cloud computing service are:

  • Low or no capital expenditures to get started.
  • Flexibility to scale up or down as your business requires.
  • No need for additional IT personnel.
  • Freedom from technology demands so you can focus on other business priorities.
  • Robust features that support your business include
  • Built-in recovery and data backup
  • Secure storage of data with Zenith Bit Spread technology.
  • Central management console
  • Built-in workflows and intuitive online interface
  • Automatic backup of cloud after every fifteen minutes.

Computer Technology’s cloud computing service removes budgeting concerns and worries about support, licensing, setup expenses and storage space. You’ll also feel confident letting the pros at Computer Technology handle security issues and support.

Get Started With A Free Consultation