Microsoft Exchange Hosting

Having a personalized business address for your business is integral to your brand representation and image. The great news is Computer Technology can help you procure an email address that reinforces your profile seamlessly and easily with its Microsoft Exchange Hosting service.

Safe, Secure
Email Hosting

Safe, Secure
Email Hosting

Having your @businessname email address may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Many small businesses, entrepreneurs and businesses on a budget feel that a free, non-branded email presence is the only option if they don’t have the hardware, software and IT staff to support their goals.

Even if you don’t have a team of IT professionals on staff and/or the tools on site to make it happen, you can still do away with your free email service providers with the support of Computer Technology.

Computer Technology makes the whole process hassle-free and secure. We use our own powerful and secure server for your organization’s Microsoft Exchange hosting. It’s as simple as logging into our system, Microsoft Outlook, to access their email anywhere, anytime. Take advantage of the full functionality of the tool with calendar sharing, robust contact lists and secure maintenance and updates. With all these features and benefits, your email hosting comes at an affordable price through your partnership with the Computer Technology team.



A free consultation is all it takes to get started on your way to a safer, more professional email presence for your business. Contact Computer Technology today to explore.